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Elementary - Proficient in Reading: 33%


Distinguished in Reading: 24%


Proficient in Math: 38%


Distinguished in Math: 12%


Middle - Proficient in Reading: 32%


Distinguished in Reading: 18%


Proficient in Math: 32%


Distinguished in Math: 14%


High - Proficient in Reading: 34%


Distinguished in Reading: 19%


Proficient in Math: 35%


Distinguished Math: 11%




Superintendent's Message

Michael A. Ford

Our Schools

Russell County High School

Visit for information about Russell County High School.

Russell County Middle School

Visit for information about Russell County Middle School.

Russell Springs Elementary School

Visit for information about Russell Springs Elementary School.

Jamestown Elementary School

Visit for information about Jamestown Elementary School.

Salem Elementary School

Visit for information about Salem Elementary School.

Lake Cumberland Regional College & Workforce Ctr.

Visit for information about the Lake Cumberland Regional College & Workforce Center.

Satety Tipline Online Prevention (report bullying violence or risky behavior)

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Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Russell County Schools is to increase each student’s academic and social achievements to a proficient or higher level while providing a safe and effective learning environment.

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