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Elementary - Proficient in Reading: 37%


Distinguished in Reading: 21%


Proficient in Math: 36%


Distinguished in Math: 12%


Middle - Proficient in Reading: 29%


Distinguished in Reading: 17%


Proficient in Math: 33%


Distinguished in Math: 12%


High - Proficient in Reading: 31%


Distinguished in Reading: 23%


Proficient in Math: 30%


Distinguished Math: 13%


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Special Education

Sandra Dick
Director of Special Ed/Preschool

Indicator 8 Parent Letter with Survey Access - This survey should be completed by parents of students who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Indicador 8 Carta para padres con acceso a la encuesta - esta encuesta debe ser completada por los padres de los estudiantes que tienen un Plan de educación individualizado (IEP).